Better Left Unseen Dept.

I have never seen the movie, "MOTEL HELL," and I know you do not believe this, but it's true. It came out when I was 11, and the trailer ran before something innocuous I was seeing, probably "AIRPLANE!" The poster was in the lobby of the theater:

The trailer and the poster combined in my mind to form a storyline so horrifying I literally lost sleep over it. Now it is many years later, and I have picked up bits and pieces of what it is about over the course of my travels, but I've never actually seen it. Because when something succeeds so perfectly at what it is trying to do, don't you hate to spoil its fun?

Poster copyright MGM/UA.


Ricky Sprague said...

I admire your restraint. 11 is probably the perfect age for this movie (I think I was about 11 when I saw it on a video tape [remember video tape?]).
Someone is doing a REMAKE of this film. Will you be able to resist watching that?

Leah said...

Being that MH (Wolfman Jack in overalls!) is one of my most cherished terrible movies, I am shocked you've not seen it and this has not been revealed in conversation before. Maybe I blocked it out. Either way, I too saw it around 11 or 12 and clearly my emotional maturity ceased to develop then and there.